Enter now to win the Player’s Package
Over $600 in FREE equipment and instruction designed to elevate the senior golfer’s game.
Enter Your Email Below For Your Chance to WIN!
Age is experience.
And an experienced golfer like you is in a prime position to become a real Player…
…to dominate the golf course with accuracy, insight, and yes, even killer distance.
All you need is instruction and equipment that enhance your natural skill set...
…instead of demanding painful movements only a twentysomething could hope to pull off.
Ready to find out what you’re really capable of?
Enter to win:
A FREE VLS Maxvert 1 Hybrid Bundle: Get effortless launch, pro-level accuracy, and more yards on every shot off the tee and down the fairway with the only hybrids designed for the experienced golfer. ($599 value)
A FREE Vertical Line Board: Hone five make-or-break swing fundamentals with this lightweight, all-in-one training aid. ($129 value)
A FREE Vertical Line Swing Stacker: Improve your contact and distance with the only connection aid that’s so comfortable and unobstructive, you’ll forget you’re wearing it. ($79 value)
A FREE copy of The Bad Lie: Ditch bad advice, learn body-friendly strategies, and revitalize your entire game from tee to green with my bestselling guide to better golf. ($29 value)
FREE access to my Power Clinic: Discover why “tried and true” golf instruction has been failing you and learn new techniques that will have you launching the ball higher, straighter, and farther… no back pain necessary. ($97 value)
FREE set of VLS Golf Alignment Rods ($49 value)
That’s five guaranteed game-changers worth more than $1000.
They could all be yours for free.
Click below to enter.
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